
Lots of folks helped me write My Quantum Experiment, in ways small and big, unknowing and intentional. I mention some people in the book, others not. They include, in alphabetical order: Scott Aaronson, David Z Albert, Philip Ball, Karen Barad, Jacob Barandes, Adam Becker, Chris Bremser, Michael Brooks, Deepak Chopra, Ruth Copeland, George Ellis, Richard Gaylord, Amanda Gefter, Jim Holt, Matt Horgan, Sabine Hossenfelder, Robert Hutchinson, Luis Jordan, David Kagan, Tim Luft, Tim Maudlin, Jim McClellan, Greg Morgan, Errol Morris, Madhusree Mukerjee, George Musser, Nikita Petrov, Dean Rodman, Terry Rudolph, Steve Sagona, Chris Search, Lauren Sharp, Michael Steinmann, Tyler Volk, Alex Wellerstein, Ed Whittaker, Peter Woit, Bob Wright, Karen Wright, Glenn Zorpette.

Thanks to Frankie Guarini for designing the book’s groovy website and to Nikita Petrov for making the groovy cover art. Thanks to Stevens Institute of Technology and Scientific American (especially my superb former editor Mike Lemonick) for their support.  Thanks to readers who responded to my quantum columns with suggestions for readings, etc. And special thanks, as always, to my students and to “Emily” for being my captive audiences.